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Protect Garden Lizetan Orchid and Ornamental Plant Spray, 400 ml
SBM Life Science GmbH

Protect Garden Lizetan Orchid and Ornamental Plant Spray, 400 ml

Article prices visible at registration

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  • A35617
  • 4000680111931
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Protect Garden Lizetan Orchid and Ornamental Plant Spray  removes pests from orchids and... more
Product information "Protect Garden Lizetan Orchid and Ornamental Plant Spray, 400 ml"

Protect Garden Lizetan Orchid and Ornamental Plant Spray removes pests from orchids and ornamental plants in the garden.
The product eliminates insects and pests like spider mites, mealy bugs and aphids, etc.,
allowing plants to grow and thrive in a healthy way. For a fresh, bountiful blooms.

Related links to "Protect Garden Lizetan Orchid and Ornamental Plant Spray, 400 ml"

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