PT 18 Biocide with active substance
PT 18 Biocide with active substance according to §10 of the ChemBiozidDV
From January 2025, a new regulation will come into force in accordance with the EU Biocidal Products Regulation, which regulates the sale and supply of biocidal products to the end user much more strictly. PT 18 biocides, which are effective against insects such as flies, wasps or other harmful insects, must be sold by authorised personnel from this date. Products in category 18 - PT 18 (e.g. insecticides) may not be sold in the self-service area and a consultation with the end customer before the product is dispensed is mandatory. These requirements also apply to online and mail order sales. The aim of this regulation is to control the use of biocides and minimise potential risks to humans, animals and the environment.
The active ingredient in PT 18 biocides is specially designed to kill insects in an efficient and targeted manner. In order to comply with legal requirements, distributors must prove that they have the appropriate expertise. This ensures safe and responsible handling of biocides in sensitive areas of application. Companies can obtain further information and support from the chambers of industry and commerce as well as in the respective training courses for the examination of expertise.