Compo Wasp Power Spray, 500 ml
- Order number: A31432
- EAN: 4008398973353
- Order larger quantity: Price inquiry
Compo Wasp Power Spray is an effective repellent against wasps and their nests.
The spray can be used at a safe distance (4m) from wasp nests thanks to the power nozzle.
The foam has a long-lasting effect.
Self-service ban according to §10 of the ChemBiozidDV
From 1 January 2025, new regulations of the Biocide Law Implementation Ordinance (§§ 10-13) will apply, which, among other things, require a detailed sales talk in which topics such as application, hazards and disposal must be discussed. Products in category 18 - PT 18 (e.g. insecticides) may not be sold in the self-service area and the seller must have been specially trained to provide this advice. These requirements also apply to online or mail order sales.
Further information can be found here!